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Join The Cannabis Community

Looking for information, advice, insights, or resources about cannabis but not knowing where to start?

Maybe you’re trying to learn as much as possible or obtain a medical cannabis card. Whatever the reason, thousands of members engage in real-time conversations every day about questions, topics, and events happenings in and around the community.

Since 2015, we have organized online Facebook groups in Illinois, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York to answer questions, raise awareness and keep people informed. Everyone from consumers to patients, advocates, entrepreneurs, and more are part of The Cannabis Community ecosystem, and we share the same goal to continue removing the stigma around cannabis.

If you share in this mission with us, then you’ve come to the right place. See you on the other side!

Join The Cannabis Community

Review our community guidelines to learn how to get the most of our communities!

Illinois Medical Cannabis Community

Our Illinois community is comprised of 18,000+ members

This photo shows an image of people walking in by the bean in Chicago, with the cannabis community logo and a sign that reads "Illinois chapter"

Maryland Medical Cannabis Community

Our Maryland community is comprised of over 8,000 members.

People walking in down a boardwalk with the cannabis community logo and a sign that reads "Maryland chapter"

Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Community

Our Pennsylvania community is comprised of over 2,500 members.

People walking in the park, with the cannabis community logo and a sign that reads "Pennsylvania chapter"

New York Medical Cannabis Community

Our New York community is comprised of close to 1,000 members.

People walking in the park, with the cannabis community logo and a sign that reads "new york chapter"